
You can also email me directly at - hello@jaiceemorgan.com


I’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions or are looking to book a service, please feel free to fill out the contact form below!

Here are some FAQs I receive as well:

What does the booking process look like?

For weddings, I require a 50% deposit up front to secure your date and the remaining balance is due one month prior to the wedding date. For families, couples, brand shoots, and everything else, the full balance is due upon booking.

How many weddings do you shoot a year?

In the past I’ve shot upwards of 30 weddings a year but I now limit myself to 1-2 weddings a month max. This was an intentional decision I made in order to protect me from overworking myself and also make sure that I’m giving my clients by absolute best!

Do you travel for shoots / weddings?

I am definitely willing to travel! I take on a limited amount of out of state/country bookings but would love to chat!

Are you willing to share a full gallery with us?

Ohhh yes. I like to share full galleries with potential clients before they book so they know the investment they are making and feel good about it. With social media, it’s really easy to only share a small portion of the work we as photographers do, so I’m really passionate about being transparent with my clients. I want to make sure they’re as excited to work with me as I am with them!